Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center

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Latest News & Events

Why Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center?


We provide continued easy access to exceptional care of best value for money.


We utilize state-of-the-art equipment, machines, and facilities.

Exceptional Care

We are in constant pursuit of excellence to deliver our promise of high-quality healthcare to our patients.


We have highly-skilled healthcare professionals and locally and internationally trained doctors.

Our Doctors and Staff

Quality healthcare and better service to our patients are two main distinctions we at CGHMC have always taken pride in.

Message of Hope From The President

As we all try to shift towards the new normal, it has become clear that medical science will continue to evolve rapidly and change the landscape of healthcare forever, if it has not yet already. CGHMC has always been formidable in adapting to any situation and exemplify the spirit of both innovation and tradition.

Like we always have, CGHMC continues to bring forth efficiency and new technology at affordable costs – all for the betterment in the quality of our services, which our hospital is best known for.. Read More