The Origins of Chinese General Hospital: Born out of a need to serve in a time of pestilence

As cholera was a disease that killed multitudes in those times, it is easy to surmise that a “Chinese Clinic” was set up in land that the Chinese now purchased and owned. A clinic to treat these patients, and at the same time, despite being a morbid thought, one that was in close proximity to their own cemeteries.
This then occurred in 1891, when the first clinic was set up by Kapitan Don Carlos Palanca, providing an initial rudimentary health facility for the Chinese Community’s patients. Even then, the concept of “service to those in need” was seeded in the founding of the clinic-hospital and has remained its legacy as we celebrate the CGHMC’s 130th year.

According to Saul Hofileña Jr., on the history of Sangley Point, the name supposedly is derived from ‘xiangli, a Chinese word for trader’, which became “sangley” to the Spaniards.10 Sangley literally means “merchant traveler” or “frequent visitor.” 11
Calle de Sangleyes was the “Street of Chinese traders” that slides out in at an angle and stretches out, from what was Calle de San Lazaro or the present day Avenida, towards the hills of the La Loma area where the “Cementerio de Binondo” and other purchased lands were.
In fact, references, about improvements of the road, leading to these areas, had been turned down by the Spanish authorities as these involved land transfer.15 It could be surmised that the religious orders may have had a hand in approving these land transfers and improvements, with the ultimate aim of the further evangelization of the
Chinese. Or it is possible that the Chinese Guild then, donated the land in favor of road improvements by the authorities, hence the present Blumentritt street separating the buildings of the Chinese General Hospital today.
Furthermore, to cement its place in old Manila History, a 1901 city map of Manila by Norris Peters, shows the “Chinese Hospital” along the “Calle de Sangleyes” or Blumentritt street.8 (Red arrow added by the author)

Thus the beginnings of the Chinese General Hospital, from the humble clinic hut to the present day modern healthcare institution that she is. Constantly evolving, constantly changing to be at par with the world’s best, driven by the legacy of her forebears – to be of service to the community.
This is a heritage of 130 years and a tradition that will live on.
by: Juliano Z.K. Panganiban, MD
Chinese General Hospital
July, 2021
- Epidemic and Massacre in 1820 Manila, Ambeth R. Ocampo (PDI, January 29, 2020)
- In the 19th century, the “properly documented” cases of cholera include the years 1820-1823, 1830, 1842, 1854, 1863-1865, 1882-1885, 1889, while other dates were mentioned by Dean Worcester; namely 1812, 1843, 1887, 1890,1893-4, 1896-1897, thought these were “not properly documented”. James, “Cholera Epidemic”. p.130.
- Death in the time of cholera (1882), Ambeth R. Ocampo (PDI, March 15, 2011).
- “Towards a History of Chinese Burial aground in Manila during the Spanish Rule”, Richard T. Chu and Teresita Ang See.
- The Manila Chinese Cemetery in Gems of History by Go Bun Juan
- Edgar Wickberg, The Chinese in Philippine Life, 1850-1898, Quezon City, Philippines: Ateneo de Manila University, 2000 (Orig. pub. 1965), p. 185.
- US Library of Congress: Map of Manila and vicinity : showing positions of troops prior to the battle of February 5th and location of the military telegraph lines then in operation, also positions and locations after the capture of Caloocan, February 10, 1899
- 1901 Norris Peters Map of Manila
- Map of City Manila and Vicinity, Office of the Department Engineer, Philippine Dept. June, 1915
- Hofilena, Saul Jr. (2011). “ Sangely Point and the former U.S.Navy Yard in Cavite City”
- Ambeth R. Ocampo (2020-08-19). “Reclaiming ‘Instik’ “. PDI.
- Robert Gardner, “The Mystery of Manila’s Octagonal Cemetery”
- Sanidad de Cementerios, SDS 5758, National Archives of the Philippines, Manila, folio S581. It was under the governorship of Francisco de Paula Alcalá de la Torre, who held the position from 17 June1843-16 July 1844, that this decree was issued. On 31 March 1875, José Segui, who was the Roman Catholic archbishop of Manila from 1830-1845, gave his blessing to this decree. See Exhumaciones 1850–1878, Genealogical Society at Utah, Reel 1357033.
- Huetz de Lemps, “La controversia de las sepulturas en Filipinas.”
- Wickberg, The Chinese in Philippine Life, p. 185, writes that in the mid-1850s, the Chinese gobernadorcillo and the principales requested permission to improve the road leading to the cemetery. However, this was not approved because “it involved the transfer of some land, which the Spanish were unwilling to allow.” Whether this request was made before or after Lim purchased more land for the cemetery is not clear.
- Pacific Purgatory: Spanish Dominicans, Chinese Sangleys, and the Entanglement of Mission and Commerce in Manila, 1580-1620 page 339, Ryan Dominic Crewe
University of Colorado, Denver